Legends Library hosts Liisa and Kyle delve into Infinities New Hope, the what if comics of Star Wars where the story is completely different from everything we know. The Death Star was not blown up by Luke and the Empire successfully destroys every rebel, even capturing Leia where she becomes a forced apprentice to Darth Vader. Luke meanwhile thanks to Han goes to Dagobah and spends the next five years training under Yoda before discovering Leia, the hope of the rebellion was still alive.

Watch this episode on YouTube:

Comic: Dark Horse Comics Star Wars Infinities New Hope 1-4
Writer: Chris Warner
Penciller: Drew Johnson
Inkers: Ray Snyder, Al Rio, Neil Nelson
Letterer: Steve Dutro
Colourist: Dave McCaig
Cover artist: Tony Harris

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Legends Library Podcast:
@legendslibrary @liisamountain @darnkatarn
Hosts: Liisa Mountain and Kyle Rawlings
[email protected]

Drum Intro: Jodeye Knight

All Star Wars content and material is owned and copyright by Disney and LFL.

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