2020 was a wild one, right!? This is my vocal personal journal of the year - the growth, the challenges, the highs and the lows containing shares you will no doubt resonate with since we went through similar things as a collective. 

As I reflected on my year I realised, actually,  notwithstanding the lows and challenges, came growth and opportunity which made it a pretty good year overall.

I share my personal insights and journey and in doing so hope to encourage you to reflect on  the growth and achievements you gained in 2020.

Remember, this is life through my lens  👁💛 we are all uniquely different, which makes us human.  Where I've provided insights into health (including mental health) this is based on my experiences and what works for *me*. Consider what works for you, research and take expert advice + support accordingly.


Here are some of the books, people + other resources mentioned in the episode that helped to shape my year:-

The book by Michael Greger How Not to DieBruce Lipton, the biologistKonsciously Kerri's plant based recipe e-book  🥑(use code 'veganuary' for 20% off in January)Victoria Bauman + owaken breathworkMy fave cordless blender Blenywhere - 10% off with the code LEGALLYDIFFERENT 

Thanks for tuning in!

Lots of love - here's to an awesome 2021 full of optimum health, freedom, joy, love + abundance for all. 

Lauren 💛