Episode Notes

I’m in the hot seat this time (eek!) and I’m joined by my incredible sister, Kerri, who interviews me. I can’t think of a better person as Kerri has been my ride or die and my right hand woman. She’s seen it all and supported me through thick and thin! Kerri interviews me about my own journey into law and how I made big life and work changes in the legal world. This conversation is split into two parts because there was so much to unpack and I wanted to be totally open with you.....plus being in conversation with my sister is such a vibe #sisterchats!

In Part 1 we cover:-

Humble beginnings - from a working class town with an innate vision of something different;Why law - deep analysis of my conscious and sub conscious choices….plus a dash of inspo from Ally Mcbeal;Discussion re societal expectations and validation of our career choices;My legal path; A-levels, University, training at a large corporate law firm and early qualification years in Leeds;Moving to London - professional and personal insights;Starting to feel ‘off’ - having the swanky apartment, a ‘good’ job but feeling dread of work;Deep dive into society’s version of success vs what actually feels good;Accepting I needed to make a change;Considering my options; corporate work vs non corporate, another law firm vs in-house - “same shit different shovel?”;Inner soul nudges to totally quit Big Law and take a different path;Creating my ‘escape plan’; andMy money journey (saving £10k to travel) inc huge mindset shifts.

I hope you enjoy this. Head over to Part 2 (Episode 16) for the part of my journey, post leap!


You can get in touch with me via Legally Different:-

Instagram:@legallydifferent Email:[email protected]

You can connect with my sister via:-

Instagram:@konsciously.kerriWebsite: www.konsciouslykerri.co.uk

Thank you for tuning in!
