Wassup! So the free digital strategies workshop I mention - you can register for it here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m9UiiF28QdSfcpCeg3S7yg I'll be in the workshop so hope to "see" you there. The song of the week - which I'm so shocked I haven't shared before because I LOOOOOVE this song so much: SHE by LAURA MVULA. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG8dCuMibdI So in this episode we speak dad envy - something my best friend Val explained to me in episode 38. I'm sending hugs to you if your dad has passed away - Father's Day must have been hectic. Also sending hugs to you if you have dad envy based on your experiences. Finally sending a fist bump to all present dads trying to be the best dads to their kinfolk! On #100AfricanStories Rose shares a story of finding out she's pregnant, breaking the news to her parents who are pastors and finally accepting that she is a single mother. Hope it inspires you as much as it did, me. Remember the #LegallyClueless hotline is: +254 768 628 790 And join the tribe on instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/legallycluelesspodcast/