This is episode one of Legal NI, a podcast by McCartan Turkington Breen Solicitors. This is a place for our solicitors, partners, expert consultants and clients to share expertise and experience with you, the listener. Throughout the series, we will bring the discussion to you, wherever you are. On your morning commute, at the gym or even just relaxing at home. We’ll share guidance and opinion on a range of legal topics that matter to you or your business. You will listen in as the experts at McCartan Turkington Breen discuss current legal topics and trends. You will get to hear from guests that have specialist knowledge on the given topic. We will also share real life client stories with you, and the vital part that we played in them. This podcast is for everyone, because the law is for everyone. But, we appreciate that every topic might not be of interest to you. So we encourage you to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, where we will announce new episodes, and that you keep an eye out for the ones that you won’t want to miss. Legal NI can be found at and on Spotify. We all, at McCartan Turkington Breen, invite you to come and listen. We’re confident that you will find value and insight. Thank you for listening to episode one of Legal NI. We hope enjoy what is to follow.