How do we share our story today - our life legacy - in an age of transitory communication via jumbled platforms? If we are not being sold something, our information is being sold to someone. Honoring precious memories deserves a better home, thus sparking the creation of the Andelin App. The Legacy Matters crew formed with this goal in mind back in late 2017. How can we create a safe, private, beautiful and elegant space for memories to live in perpetuity.

Join us as Sam, Jim and Sarah chat about the Andelin App, with some guidance on how to make best use of the platform. Like any new technology, it takes a bit to become familiar with the mechanics. But you will find the app a familiar friend in many respects.

We invite you to download the Andelin App and try for yourself. Have a question, concern or suggestion? Need help navigating? Get in touch and we will be sure to get back to you. Email us at [email protected].

The Andelin App is available via Google Play and on the App Store.