Legacy is not leaving something for people, it’s leaving something in people.”

—Peter Strople


What’s Your Legacy?


In this episode we define what legacy means. How we view a meaningful legacy and what society tells us. At its root; we define legacy as your accomplishments. The goals you achieve, the money you attain, product or business you build; or the character you build by living your life.


We’ll discuss what the bible says about building a legacy.


What are the 3 C’s that your legacy should be built upon?


Why the mindset of rugged individualism or self-reliance is wrong-headed?


What 3 steps you can take to begin building a lasting legacy?


Discover why should become a victor and not a victim.


We detail why you don’t have to think of yourself as a Martin Luther King or Steve Jobs to make an impact on the world.


Tune in to Episode #2 to hear more!


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