"In support of Autism Awareness Month, we wanted to host an episode dedicated to what it’s like to live with conditions that aren’t necessarily visible to people we don’t know.

Hidden Disabilities are conditions that are not immediately apparent to us just by looking at someone - these range from chronic illnesses, to mental health issues, sensory, processing & learning difficulties and even some physical problems.

Globally, 1 in 7 of us live with a disability - and a staggering 80% of those are hidden.

Life with a disability is hard enough, but when you live with a condition that other people can’t see, it becomes even more difficult."

- Sharne

Thank you to Anas (@anasdayehh), Georgia (@Georgia20309570), and Milo (@Milo_Barnett) for joining us to talk about their experiences. We discuss how having an invisible disability can affect your experience of education and work, support networks, and what the government should be doing to help disabled people.

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[Edited by Brandon]

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