Left Reckoning Ep. 1

Reacting to the storming of the capitolhttps://twitter.com/peterjgowan/status/1346988584050556934?s=20Pareene Inevitable Bipartisan Pro Cop consensus https://twitter.com/pareene/status/1346924241405415426Matty Defund trolling https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1347272232901476353?s=20Evo shows solidarity https://twitter.com/LeftReckoning/status/1346985315760656387?s=20Guy with his feet up got PPP loan https://twitter.com/ramsincanon/status/1347235735116656645?s=20Big window Trump https://twitter.com/shrimpJAJ/status/1346935756128804868?s=20

Malaika Jabali (@MalaikaJabali) joins as our inaugural guest:

Fighting back against the limited vision of the democratic party - and their work to coopt all of these serious organizing and grassroots movements fighting for something different.What’s the most important fight we have in front of us going into 2021.

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