Nostalgia is a potent emotion, as well as a ubiquitous presence in our lives, both as an advertising tool as well as an ideological principle in politics. Britain in 2022 celebrates the queen's Platinum Jubilee by spending £1 billion in the midst of the worst living standards crisis in decades, desperately nostalgic and yearning for the lost glories of imperial domination in the past, where history has become a hotly contested ideological battleground in the wake of the toppling of Edward Colston's statue, and where the World War 2 callbacks are simply inescapable. We are joined by historian Hannah Rose Woods whose latest book takes a look at how societies throughout history have in fact looked to the past when faced with unprecedented change.

/// SHOW NOTES ///

/// CREDITS ///

Host: Aarjan 

Guest: Hannah Rose Woods

Production: Connor

Music: Cardio /// Vera Lynn - We'll Meet Again

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