Aarjan by himself this week joined by none other than returning champion Amardeep Singh Dhillon to touch base on the motherland of all content, India. A year on from the Kisan Andolan, or Farmer Protests, that were the subject of our previous collaboration, we take a look at its historic victories, as well as the present political landscape in India. After a year in which Modi's stranglehold on Indian politics seemed to have begun to buckle, it seems back on track once again with a resounding BJP victory in the recent Uttar Pradesh state elections. The recent attacks in Jahangirpuri and the hijab ban in Karnata have also shown the extent to which, 8 years into Modi's rule, Muslims have effectively become second class citizens in India. With the backdrop of Boris Johnson's visit at the end of April, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the governments of the UK and India are on some very similar trajectories. 

/// SHOW NOTES ///

/// CREDITS ///

Host: Aarjan

Guest: Amardeep S. Dhillon

Production: Connor

Music: Cardio /// Charanjeet Singh - Raga Vairabh

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