Previous Episode: From Exile by The Menzingers
Next Episode: Lifetime by Lifetime

This week, your hosts, Kitzy and Most-Definitely-Actually-Not-At-All-an-Imposter Caleb discuss Dave Hause’s new double-EP Patty/Paddy, which features covers of songs originally performed by Patty Griffin and Dilinger Four, respectively. We get into what makes for a great cover, why these songs are so important now, and reminisce about all that time we spent at our favorite spot to get a drink in Syracuse, Coolio’s Bar and Grill.

Check out The Horrible Crowes’ cover of “Teenage Dream,” Laura Stevenson’s Tiny Desk Concert, and Heckdang’s Halloween stream featuring some of our personal favorites, including Left of the Dial guests Dikembe and Oceanator.

Head over to Dave Hause’s Bandcamp where you can pick up Patty/Paddy, as well as his protest song “Your Ghost,” with all proceeds of the latter going to support the Philly Bail Fund.