We're a little late this week, due to the trials of homeownership, but we think this one was worth the wait. We're talking about Open Surgery, the 2004 release by Man Alive. We were both introduced to this record by Caleb's brother Joshua (who you heard in last week's chat with Long Since Forgotten), and it's been in solid rotation ever since!

For a little backstory on Man Alive, check out their bio on The Militia Group website: https://themilitiagroup.com/artists/man-alive/

Watch some live footage, and let us know if you agree this band would have been dope to see live (or let us know if you have!): https://www.youtube.com/user/manalivemusic

In the show, we mentioned another band called Man Alive! that has a live performance available on BandCamp. They sound absolutely nothing like the Man Alive we discussed, but it folk/bluegrass/Americana is your jam (and we know there are some of you out there) you may want to give this a listen: https://manalive.bandcamp.com/