In an apparent attempt to fully destroy any cred she might have, our on-call host and Left of the Dial producer, Andrea, has brought 6 songs by her favorite band. She's keeping them a secret, so you'll have to listen to find out who she brought and why she wants you to hear these songs before you judge.

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We're kicking off the 2022 Left of the Dial studio sessions next weekend with self-described "bisexual party punk extraordinaires" Teenage Bigfoot! make sure you've subscribed to our YouTube channel so you don't miss them on February 19th!

You can find Andrea on Twitter, Instagram, and as the voice of South Jersey over at Chris Gethard's New Jersey Is the World project. Patreon. Instagram.

And if you really want to know who we're talking about before you listen to the episode, you can find out here.

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