It's been another long difficult week with the Supreme Court doing away with the eviction moratorium meaning millions will be facing evictions and also a hurricane hit New Orleans. Also did you know there's still the COVID pandemic and now schools are starting. Not great, Bob!

In the local sphere, the Champaign (Illinois) City Council will be having a study session on Garden Hills on August 31st (Tuesday) at 7 p.m. We're hoping to get as many people to the meeting that we can. If you need a lift post #GardenHillsRide on Facebook.

Information that was discussed is below:

Script for calling your Congress person and how on the Maintaining Equitable Acess Act is here:

Information about the bill here:…ebt/5485596001/

Wisconsin School Board in Waukesha thinks children will become addicted to free lunch:…unch/5622614001/

Lack of rental assitance relief being spent:…rental-relief.html

Emergency Rental Assistance:…sistance-program

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