WOW, so much has happened since the crew last convened and we're hear to breathlessly talk it out over a few cold ones. We assembled at 4th Tap in North Austin. It's a cool spot with tons of video games, board games and "butt rock."

Don't forget there's an election that just started! Besure to vote NO on Prop 4 (it's a TRAP) and give some dough to Eliz Markowitz in her very important special election in Fort Bend County. It's a chance to flip a seat and get one step closer to electing a Dem House Speaker. Listen to the pod and find out why that's so critical...


Latest debate

Perry to resign “3 Amigos”

Congressman 1 - Pete Sessions

Bi partisan rebuke on actions in Syria including by Texas GOP delegation

Admiral Mcraven

Trump in TexasTexas “made a fortune” on Harvey

No to Coastal Barrier

Greg AbbottTxDoT homeless camps under 35

State foster system

BonnghaziTape released…Texas Rangers investigating, Bonnen also under investigation in Brazoria County

What was said on the recordingworst session on record for cities and counties, “any mayor dumbass enough to meet with me”

“He’s killing us in urban and suburban districts.”

Homophobic jokes, target members who would not oppose government lobbyists

Rs had caucus meeting released statementIndividual members release statements soon resignation, 19 SREC members call for resignation

MQS, David Jennings release statements,

Ds caucus meeting released No statement

Ds are 9 seats short of majorityEliz Makowitz Special election TX 28Forward majority, HDCC, TDP,
