Palestine is rising, resisting and rejecting Israel's racist colonial occupation that’s violently subjugated millions since 1948. Will there be justice as long as Western imperialism has a say? Electronic Intifada director Ali Abunimah parses the bloodthirsty propaganda from corporate media that’s been distorting the reality on the ground in the Middle East since day 1. How can Israel get away with gassing Palestinian worshippers at al Aqsa in Jerusalem and carpet bombing Palestinian civilian neighborhoods in Gaza on the same day? Plus, how the US invests in Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism, how Israel fights Washington's dirty wars, and why virtue-signaling liberals who back Zionist policy can't have it both ways (and why AOC can't save you now). What are these so-called "shared values" between the US and Israel anyway?

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The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.

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