The Bitches are back after a rare week off, so what'd we miss? For starters, we're once again being told that the US has plans to withdraw from Afghanistan. What's the catch? The US doesn't just leave, does it? Where does the longest war in US history go from here? Plus, was Derek Chauvin's conviction really "justice" for the murder of George Floyd? That's what you'd think if you were tuned into the corporate media's coverage of the verdict. Is white supremacy suddenly a thing of the past? Has the US been held accountable for all of its crimes? We break down the trial, the outcome, and how to build a mass movement against policing.

The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.

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