All eyes on Latin America: What's burning in what imperialists have long called "America's backyard"? Kawsachun News co-founder Camila Escalante assesses the state of the Latin American left in 2021. What's the deal with Peru's recent elections? How are things for ordinary Bolivians after one year of a US-backed coup regime? Is the US still trying to overthrow Venezuela's democracy in order to install Western puppet Juan Guaidó? What can socialists in the Global North learn from the success of left-wing movements across Latin America? Plus, is there really any difference between Trump and Biden's hawkish policies in the region?

Get more of Camila @PrensaCamila and @KawsachunNews!

The Left Bitches are Anissa NaouaiErica Marable, Amanda Getty, and Ryan Wentz. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit for same-day release, bonus episodes, and more.

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