Next Episode: Meet the Left Bitches

Coming soon! A show for left bitches, by left bitches. Unapologetically outraged that kindness is now controversial. Why is this even a conversation?! Feel like you’re the only one still seeing straight as our piece-of-shit civilization burns to the ground around you? Us too. We’re talking politics without fear, bringing together (sometimes wildly divergent) progressive perspectives and breaking down what’s really happening now with incisive commentary, sharp banter and a healthy helping of righteous indignation. Come get mad with us! And then talk it out with Anissa Naouai (Boss Bitch); Rania Khalek (Journalist Bitch); Amanda Getty (Mama Bitch); Erica Marable (Baby Bitch); and Gregory Haddock (Bro Bitch - How’d HE get in here?)