That horrifying moment you agree with your conservative brother-in-law on Facebook: This is 2020. Erica’s back from the front lines of the #BlockGarcetti protests, where cops got brutal. Makes sense: The LA mayor (and Biden cabinet hopeful) approved the largest LAPD budget ever, during a pandemic and economic dumpster fire. Speaking of, what happens when liberal elites weaponize covid, and why shame won’t cure this virus. From police raids on scientists reporting accurate case numbers to holiday-mall-shopping-superspreaders, is there a light at the end of this tunnel? What’s going on with India’s farmers - and what can we learn from their example about breaking the system? Plus, what fake president’s downfall makes Rania do the shoulder-shimmy, and what homophobe politician got caught scrambling out the window of a massive gay orgy?

The Left Bitches are Anissa Naouai, Erica Marable, Rania Khalek, and Amanda Getty. Produced by Gregory Haddock with music by Jonathan Hurley. Visit for access to extended episodes and bonus content.

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