I got to sit down with my first guy! I was thrilled to have Tony Gerber on my podcast and to have him share his journey and his perspective from the masculine.  Side note, he's quite funny and easy to listen to!

Born and raised in Mormon religion it was Tony's language. It wasn't something he bought into, it was just his reality. 

Going to Rick's college, serving a Mormon mission, all provided experiences where Tony started question what spirituality really meant to him. He started finding that he struggled with the idea of anyone telling him what his relationship with God should be. 

Sharing his thoughts and wisdom on moral superiority, the patriarchy,  family experiences including a bit of his wife's challenges with religion. 

Tony supported a lot of the core beliefs associated with the Mormon religion but he didn't align with the organizational government of the church. 

Sharing nuggets like, "Every time we are not being authentic with yourself it's nature pushing us to examine something within ourselves." or "A negative expression of masculinity is when a man tries to dominate and control.  Men & women should council together." 

You will love this episode! I know I did. 

Find more about Tony and his upcoming men's retreats at: www.tribeofpassage.com

Let's stay in touch!

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FB Amanda Joy Loveland
YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland