Sharee shares about her struggles in having the courage to share her story of Mormonism, trusting God and her previous marriage where drug addiction was a massive problem. 

Sharing about her naivety that all you need to do is to go to church and it will all be okay, God will take care of everything.

One day walking into her kitchen there was a needle, a ball of heroin and a spoon. She instantly called the police who said they couldn’t do anything as he wasn’t active using and was caught. Sharee had four young children at home and this was very difficult to hear as she wanted to protect her children. 

Sharee shares how she lost herself for awhile. Everyone’s needs were above her own, the trauma of being in an unhealthy relationship and moving through life. She was exhausted.

Sharing, “It's almost like I see an image of a young woman that's just got her head down, that she's doing the things that she's told do and never really looked up to see what had happened. I didn't. And that's a very accurate articulate image, because that's exactly how I felt like when all of this came to the forefront. I came up, it was almost like I came up for a gasp of air, like I'd been swimming. I came up, I looked around, I didn't recognize the surroundings. And I was like, so probably some cognitive dissonance happening.”

Let's stay in touch!

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