Talking about epigenetics, the world stage, politics, the astrological events affecting all of us and oh yes, religion too. We are diving deep into beautiful topics today!

I was thrilled to share some space with Caryn Terres as she shares her wealth of knowledge of astrological events that are impacting us and affecting our politics right now. I didn't think we would talk about politics, but we dive into it with some interesting questions to ponder. Do you really know how a bill is made? If you don't, go to Caryn's website and you will see where you can get a FREE pdf that teaches you about this.

Caryn shares about her background in the Catholic Church, then moving to Utah and joining the  Unitarian Universalist Society church and then the Mormon Church for 18 months before she was kicked out. Caryn shares a unique perspective growing up in Utah not being Mormon and the perspectives gained from different religions.

This interview was fun, crazy thought provoking and filled with lots of information you will be grateful you know now.

Connect with Caryn through her website:

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