Could you go back into a mormon ward and teach after you have left? What if God told you to, would you listen?

Today I sat down with Keira Poulsen who shares her unique story of how religion broke for her and how she went back in. While Keira teaches in Relief Society she doesn't consider herself mormon.
Keira shares, When I was 29, which is 10 years ago, religion started to break. And it felt like my deepest foundation was shaking, and I didn't know how to climb out. And I kept saying, like, Oh, I'm gonna just have this really great story that I doubted. And then it came back, right? And then it was like, year after year. It was like, oh, like, I don't that story is not happening. Like, I like it's not I'm not finding my way out of the doubt. And it's interesting, because it wasn't like, a lot of people's stories were like, Well, I started reading about Joseph Smith I started looking into it was like, none of that mattered to me. Like the gospel was always true for me. It was that the experience at church felt like a mockery. And I just don't do well in that energy. So I'd be sitting in Relief Society, just like praying, like, Oh, I just want to feel the spirit. I just want to I want to feel like nourished and how I used to feel. And instead I was just pissed. Like, what is this bullshit? Like, nobody knows what's actually happening. Like, no one is talking about God, no one's talking about Christ, like what is happening? And it was like this anger. Like why? Like, why?

Keira shares how sad she was when church died for her. She truly grieved when she left.

You will want to listen to this extremely unique and beautiful episode!


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