Feeling the powerlessness in watching her world unravel, Joy realizes she has a choice. She ultimately regains her power by trusting herself.

In my latest episode Joy shares her experience of raising her family within the mormon church only to start having experiences that felt off. That felt incongruent. As Joy started to question these incongruencies, her world felt like it started to crumble. Most of her faith crises happened while her second son was serving his mission. Joy shares how open she was with him and how they still, to this day, have very open and honest conversations as she has left and her son has chosen to stay in. 

Have you felt the darkness of the choices you are making come in and leave you feeling alone? Do you wonder if you are being tempted by Satan? You are not alone! Joy shares that starting with trusting yourself is one of the biggest pieces that she found helpful for her.

Having challenges with her Stake president, Joy felt powerless until she recognized that she had a choice. You will want to hear this part of her story.

Come join me as Joy shares her powerful story.


 Joy recommends the book, The book of longings by Sue Monk Kidd. You can find the book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143111396/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_glt_fabc_Q3DEBR4AP4YG43MF7T60

Registration now open for my retreat! Go to www.amandajoyloveland.com/unbind to snag your spot.

Grab my book! Love & The Space in Between: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Spaces-Between-self-discovery-relationships/dp/B09MG18YYT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BC2IB6EUMMG6&keywords=amanda+joy+loveland&qid=1641357703&sprefix=amanda+joy+lovel%2Caps%2C443&sr=8-1

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