Today I am talking with the truly gifted Christy Foster. Christy is someone I met through doing personal session of Psychosomatic's and she is the only teacher licensed in the USA! She is an amazing women who has so much wisdom.  

Come join us as Christy shares her journey.  At a very young age Christy moved with her family to Montana to be a part of a Polygamist community that her Father was one of the founders of. She knew in her teens that this was not what she ultimately wanted. At 18 she moves from Montana to Utah to live with her sister and has a clear answer that she is done with that religion. As she steps out of her faith, she shares the challenges and the growth that came with what she went through. 

Christy also shares some amazing tips with the body and how to help yourself when you are going through the process of leaving. 

This is truly another beautiful episode!

You can find more about Christy here: