Do you struggle with God? Is it possible that the Mormon version of God that most of us have known, is not really God?

God is unconditional in his love, not conditional.

I am sitting down with Michelle Wilding today as her relationship with God has always been fascinating to me, and frankly a bit challenging. 

Michelle shares with me how an eating disorder, a divorce, conversations with priesthood holders were huge gifts to her. Ultimately her divorce was what propelled Michelle into making a conscious choice to step out of religion and out of Mormonism. 

What would you do if you knew you needed to get divorced, you felt inspired by God, and when you sit down with your bishop & later the stake president they both told you that there was no way God would tell her to do that? As Michelle responded intelligently, she was a returned missionary after all so she knew her scriptures, she noticed that the authority leaders would get defensive. At one point, her Stake president asks her to show her proof that the church has condoned divorce. Miraculously her mom was given a conference talk later that night that was from Joseph F. Smith that said, "What is bound on earth, is bound on heaven. What is loosed on earth is also loosed in heaven. It would merciful for us to let two people who are incompatible to be able to separate ways and find people that they are more compatible with." 

Michelle shares that unless someone is asking, don't push & shake people's foundation. 

She didn't share with her family that she decided to leave for two years as she felt she wanted to be solid in her choice before she did so. 

There are SO many good nuggets in this episode I wish I could type them all out! You will not want to miss this episode

Michelle Wilding is hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. If you want to connect with her you can find her on her website at You can also find her on Facebook at: