In FAIR PLAY, Eve Rodsky rips apart the fallacy that women should be “doing it all” and lays bare the truth: Many wives and mothers feel overextended and overworked from shouldering the brunt of childrearing and domestic responsibilities. FAIR PLAY identifies the 100 main tasks in any relationship and then shows how to divide those tasks fairly.  In this episode, you will learn why you need to pursue your passions and tap back into your unique self-  the one that was vibrant and shining before taking care of the kids took over.

In FAIR PLAY, Eve Rodsky rips apart the fallacy that women should be “doing it all” and lays bare the truth: Many wives and mothers feel overextended and overworked from shouldering the brunt of childrearing and domestic responsibilities. FAIR PLAY identifies the 100 main tasks in any relationship and then shows how to divide those tasks fairly.  In this episode, you will learn why you need to pursue your passions and tap back into your unique self-  the one that was vibrant and shining before taking care of the kids took over.