Fred the Vampire Accountant by Drew Hayes In this episode Isaac and Reid discuss “The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant” by Drew Hayes, a collection of short stories where we meet Fred, a vampire who maintained all of his normal, boring, human characteristics. Fred meets a vast cast of characters … Continue reading Ep046 Fred the Vampire Accountant →

Fred the Vampire Accountant by Drew Hayes

In this episode Isaac and Reid discuss “The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant” by Drew Hayes, a collection of short stories where we meet Fred, a vampire who maintained all of his normal, boring, human characteristics. Fred meets a vast cast of characters and these characters explore an Urban Fantasy world.

In this episode

How stereotypes of supernatural creatures are intentionally challenged, such as Fred’s “boring” life despite being a vampire.
How Urban Fantasy can exemplify the human actions that are commonplace, such as high school reunions and role playing games. Adding fantastical elements allow these common interactions to be viewed in a different way, and exaggerating the humanity through an absurdist way.
How comedy and satire requires an understood world, and, as a work of Urban Fantasy, Fred the Vampire Accountant is able to play off of the real world as a means to play into the absurdist nature of the real world.
How Fred grows as a character through the short stories, from Fred being someone very reactive, to eventually Fred is an active influencer of his own life.

Works Mentioned

Major Spoilers. “The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant” by Drew Hayes
Mentioned. “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer.
Mentioned. “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. Listen to our discussion.