Dr. Matt Kaeberlein is the Chief Science Officer of Optispan. Previously, he was a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Washington where he led several large research initiatives and centers focused on the biological mechanisms of aging. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Aging Association, and the Gerontological Society of America.

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The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson- is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.


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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzri06unR-lMXbl6sqWP_-Q

Youtube clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-B5x371AzTGgK-_q3U_KfA

Website: https://www.learningwithlowell.com/

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Timestamps / Show notes

0:00:00 - Exploring the Benefits of Rapamycin

0:10:16 - Health Span Extension Through Lifestyle

0:22:52 - Extreme Lifestyle Interventions Science and Risks

0:33:05 - Caloric Restriction and Fasting Explained

0:43:59 - Importance of Strength Training for Health

0:55:46 - Investing in Clinical Research and Intervention

1:10:07 - Health's Four Pillars and Emotional Well-Being

1:17:08 - Aging and Stem Cells Discussion

1:27:07 - Clinical Trials and Book Recommendations

this is the auto transcription for this episode. It is 95% accurate, and has some errors, but even with the errors you can still make out what is being said pretty much perfectly.

0:00:00 – LowellWelcome everybody to Learn With Will. Today we’re joining with Dr Matt Kaverline, phd from MIT, expert in Fundamental Mechanisms of A Jane. Some companies projects he’s involved in is just a little list The dog A Jane project, optospan Adventures and Auro Biomedical. There’s also a lab that he’s run for about 20 years And on the website right now, if you go to it and click the homepage, it says live long or die trying Matt, welcome to the show and thank you for taking the time to be here today. Thank you, it’s a pleasure Jumping into Rapamycin and so a lot of people ask questions about this and we’re gonna layer them in throughout, but on a high level, for people who are just coming into this very new what is Rapamycin? And then let’s talk about your relationship with it, but on a high level what is it and what’s interesting?

0:00:40 – Matt KaeberleinSure. So Rapamycin is a small molecule. It’s actually a natural product that was first discovered on Easter Island, or Rapanoons, another name for Easter Island. That’s actually where the drug Rapamycin gets its name from. It’s produced by a bacterium that’s found in the soil there And it’s probably I think most people believe that the reason those bacteria produce Rapamycin is as an antifungal. So it sort of allows the bacteria to compete with fungal species that are in the soil there. So that’s probably the primary biological mechanism of Rapamycin is it impairs fungal growth. Now it was discovered 25, 30 years ago now maybe more than that, in these soil samples,

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