Everyone who is working remotely knows the experience of Zoom fatigue and the negatives of video conferencing; pixel vision, seeing yourself all the time, and what sometimes feels like an ocean of blank faces; but video conferencing also has many powerful possibilities for learning. 

These are the possibilities that Robin explores with Chad Owen in this latest interview.

One of the themes that often recurs in interviews around online facilitation is showing up as human online and really connecting with others. Chad explores ways to use video to help with being human online. The interview also includes some great tactics and finishes with a discussion about whiteboarding. There is a sub-theme in this podcast about working visually online.

About Chad Owen

Chad is the founder of Stimulus. Stimulus specialises in team acceleration for disruptors and innovators. Chad has a background in video making and storytelling and has worked for companies such as NIKE, CISCO and Wells Fargo. Chad has recently moved to learning and training. He creates immersive experiences to teach and practice new ways of working to reshape how people and systems operate. Recently, as well as moving his own learning experiences online, he has been helping other learning professionals move their work online.

Links from the podcast

Find out more StimulusConnect with Chad Owen