This podcast is the start of our series of podcasts on live online teaching and facilitation. Sprout Labs has been busy helping organisations rapidly move from face-to-face learning to live online learning during the COVID-19 crisis.  Virtual facilitation has always been in the background of what we do at Sprout Labs. Virtual classrooms are often a core feature of the learning ecosystems we design. Our own development programs for L&D people focus on live sessions,  and we also have our regular webinars and our virtual conference.  Sprout Labs is now helping organisations design and manage virtual conferences.  

This first podcast was recorded at a stage when restrictions were gradually being lifted in Australia; this doesn't automatically mean we are going back to our offices. Many offices don't have the space to allow for social distancing and commuting is going to be hard.  A hybrid remote and physical workplace is emerging where digital learning is core.  

There has been a rush to live online learning, it feels fast and simple but it's not always the best solution.  In many of these interviews the discussion and thinking has moved to what is the potential ‘right mix’ of mediums to use for learning experiences. This might be live synchronous learning, asynchronous resources or social learning.  In this first podcast Robin and Iona Dierich, one of the Sprout team members, are talking about what great live online teaching and facilitation looks like and how we approach online facilitation at Sprout Labs.