In this podcast Robin is talking with Patti Shank about blending learning design for live online sessions. Patti Shank focuses on transforming research into learning with tactics and practical approaches we can use in workplace learning.  A lot of her recent focus has been on assessment and she uses examples in this podcast from her Writing Learning Assessments course. 

The rush to provide live learning often highlights what is wrong with our face-to-face session, as too often face-to-face is focused on content delivery. Patti and Robin start off by talking about what synchronous learning and asynchronous learning is best suited from a learning design perspective. Asynchronous learning is better for content, synchronous learning is great for aiding learners with  their deep mental processing.  

Links from the podcast

Connect with Patti Shank   Find out more about Patti ShankPatti’s online course on Writing Learning AssessmentsPatti’s eLearning Industry articles on (The Right) Learning Modalities To Deliver Digital Learning: Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4Bridging (Neuro)Science & Education - Efrat Furst