Paul Healy starts this interview by introducing Learning Pool and how they came to chatbots as an approach when they started to think about what a modern learner needs. They felt a modern learner didn’t need another platform, they needed to be able to access learning as part their workflow in other platforms. Chatbots are a perfect way to place learning inside of another platforms. A chatbot means that a learner can pull in what they need just by asking the chatbot a question. Learning Pool’s chatbot, Otto, then goes out to multiple sources, including the content in your LMS and intranet, to find the answers.

To go along with the podcast series we have released an eBook with all transcripts of the interviews. To go along with the podcast series on How artificial intelligence is changing the way L&D is working, we have released an eBook with all transcripts of the interviews. The eBook also gives a brief explanation of what AI is and an overview of how it is being used in L&D.

[Download the eBook][1]

Useful links

Find out more about Paul
Find out more about Learning Pool
Find out more about Otto