Mac helped me with an important transitional point in my educational life which brings me great joy to get to share some time into his world with you. Every time we speak I feel motivated to take on the world. During our conversation, we tackled the topic of conflict resolution with the positives and negative effects it can have on our lives.

In this interview, we talk about: - His passion for knowledge through conversations and reading, how our entire lives we transfer over skills continually throughout our work career that helps us advance, and perception.

Key minute talking points

-  Minute 6 Malcon Gladwell's Outliers, is referenced throughout the podcast

- Minute 8 conflict resolution with the positives and negatives it has on our lives

- MInute 13 where we cannot always be ourselves

- Minute 17 is whoever the people need us to be in that moment. 

- Minute 40 influential people