Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast

Host: Brian Webb

Guest: Dr. Mitchell Harlan

Episode 21: A Fireside Chat With Dr. Mitchell Harlan About Life, Success, Relationships, & Storytelling



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Brian Webb:

Hey there everyone. Welcome to the Learn More Earn More Business Growth Podcast. I'm your host, Brian Webb. This podcast is your premier place to learn the frameworks, secrets, and growth hacks to grow and scale your business and revenue faster. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or a thriving business owner, this podcast is designed to produce just for you so you can learn from the best industry experts in the world.

I'll bring you exclusive interviews with authors, thought leaders, and successful business titans who share their stories and business journeys. So, we can draw insights and learn from their successes and struggles together. As you're working on growing your business and pursuing your dreams, I'll be here to help you make better decisions and avoid costly pitfalls and expensive mistakes along the way. And we'll have some fun in the process. So let's go ahead and jump into today's episode.

Hey, welcome to the podcast today. Let me tell you about my guest today. His name is Dr. Mitchell Harlan and I've actually only known Mitch for maybe a year, a little less than a year. He runs a very, very successful chiropractic clinic up in Colorado and he hosts the Truth Talks Podcast. And he's just a really interesting, interesting guy. In fact, he'll actually tell you, he wants to be the most interesting guy in the room. And something I allowed Mitch to talk me into. Normally, when I do a podcast interview, we talk about it ahead of time. We have pre-production meetings.

We create kind of a structured talking track to guide the discussion and in collaborating with Mitch ahead of time, he says, you know what? Let's just go freestyle, no structure. We knew we were going to talk about the story. We knew we were going to talk about relationships. But that's about it. So, today is the very first time I've ever done an unstructured freestyle interview. I love Mitch's heart. I love his passion and he's got the charisma of 10 normal men. So, let's jump into the episode. You're going to love it. Well, I'm thrilled to have my friend Dr. Mitchell Harlan on the podcast today. Mitch, welcome to the show, buddy.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Thank you so much, Brian. Glad to be here.

Brian Webb:

Man. So, I want to tell the audience something that we know and they don't yet know, but they're about to know, which is typically when I do this podcast, it's a little bit more structured. You and I had a wonderful, really, really long conversation last weekend. And we said you know what? Let's just go with it, no structure. We've got a couple of things we want to talk about, but it's going to be fun to see how this conversation goes today.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

It's going to be amazing. When you end up meeting somebody or you end up talking to somebody and they're similar to you, have a similar structure, similar path, kind of think the same way, enjoy the same things. It just makes it super easy. That's again, a lot of the part of the program that I do and I know that you do. If you make life easy for somebody, only good things happen.

Brian Webb:

So, let me do this. I have the privilege of knowing you. And I know that you tend to downplay your background and your credentials. But because I want the audience to really tune in, for those people that are in the audience that don't know you, give us a couple of minutes of telling us who you are, what you do, where you've been. I want them to know who you are because I really want them to pay attention and listen to you today.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Just some of my educational background, I guess you could say, as an undergrad. My undergrad was in the biochem fields and other chemistry fields. Then I had this epiphany during that time where I was like, well, wait a minute. You know what? I'm not really sure that my philosophy of putting a drug into somebody is necessarily the healthiest thing in the world to do. So, I thought I'm going to explore this thing called chiropractic. I did that. Jumped out really fast into a really big practice, starting to see a whole lot of people. And then all of a sudden there was another epiphany, about a year in, not even quite a year in. I had a young girl in my practice that her dad literally was, he was a handyman, the guy was a pilot, he did construction-type services during the summer times, and the winter times he sold bagels and burritos. To make a long story short.

This guy was a, he was just an amazing guy and held his family together and he passed away unexpectedly. And I had to watch his family just kind of really downward spiral. And it was all the stuff that we talk about in life. Like it just got overwhelming for one of the daughters and my God, she ended up having a couple of kids. They got taken away by the state and all these things. And I'm sitting there thinking, you know what, what are we doing here? If we're just helping somebody's physical pain, there's a whole lot of a person that we're not really doing much for. And it just hit me. It hit me hard. And I started thinking, man, what if really 50% of the problems that people are coming in for really don't have anything to do with physical pain, but more of the emotional structural pain. And so I took that philosophy. I started documenting some stories and then all of a sudden the ball got rolling. And man, look at this 27 years later here we are.

Brian Webb:

To give a little bit of context. And again, you leave this stuff out, probably in the spirit of humility and I know that you're doing many things now. You've got all kinds of initiatives of which I want to hear about it. I want to share that with the audience a little later. I know you've grown your practice to be really big actually, like north of a hundred staff members, right?

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Well, that was everything combined when you're talking about all the urgent cares and all the other stuff that I was affiliated with ... My actual practice though, I'd average over a hundred patients a day and have done that for literally, probably ... I'm trying to think back, man, you're making me feel old. I think I've been in practice for about 28 years now. So, I was seeing about a hundred a day, probably about a year, year and a half into practice. And it was fun. And I got to go on stage around the country and talk about how to build a big practice and so on and so forth. And I know we're going to get onto this imposter syndrome that we've talked about before. We're going to bring that up. And I certainly didn't have that because I was making a difference in the lives of people and a lot of people.

But unlike imposter syndrome, I was literally so curious about people and their stories and their lives. And what people don't understand is a lot of times when you're seeing a patient they'll come in and they'll be like, my back hurts, I have a headache, but I'm under so much stress. I'm trying to sell my house. Or I'm just under so much stress. I'm getting ready to go through a divorce. And if you really listen to the story, there is so much that's manifesting in the pain that isn't really true physical pain, if that makes any sense.

Brian Webb:

It does. But circling back to this imposter syndrome thing, I want to put some context on it, as far as what I was mentioning to you prior to us hitting the record button today, which is obviously you're a medical professional. And so I would not imagine any doctor is going to feel imposter syndrome around that. I studied music early on in life, excelled very fast, very early. I never felt like an imposter when I took the stage or sat down to the piano or went into the recording studio.

But for the person out there who still is thinking about launching an enterprise, writing a book, starting a podcast, all my clients are extremely successful because that's kind of who I work with really, business owners, entrepreneurs. But it's amazing how, when I'm dealing with people who are wealth creators or physicians, and we talk about this idea of stepping outside of that, that wheelhouse, if you will, and doing something new. I still see imposter syndrome kick in, even with some of the most successful leaders I've worked with. Has that not been your experience?

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

No, it has. I think one of the things that we've talked about in the past, and I'm really, really passionate about is a word and we'll kind of play off each other on this. I used the term vulnerability used another term that I really liked. I think how you escape that ... I know for me when I said, okay, I'm actually pretty good. I studied pretty hard. I know the human body pretty well. I didn't know anything about writing books. And a matter of fact, when I wrote the first one, my ghostwriter, and yes, I said ghostwriter, because that's how you avoid imposter syndrome. I don't know how many people actually write their own books. If they do, they're a hell of a lot smarter than me. She's like, did you take any courses in literature or English?

Or you can actually stop a sentence. You can use punctuation. I'm like, listen, man. You know what? Here's the concept. Here's the words that I use in the best of my ability. You turn it into something beautiful. And so I think a lot of what you're talking about is how to avoid that completely is just be straight up. The moment you're straight up, you don't have to worry about any of that anymore. But I have seen it, I mean, thousands of times with people that I've talked to. They'll come and they'll tell me what they can do or how they can do it.

And then you start looking around and you're like, well, maybe you can't quite deliver that. And so that's stressful. And it's a lot of work to do it that way. And what I've actually found out is when you're just straight up with people and ask for help in every area that you can, they're willing to do it. And they actually like you for it. And then they want to help you grow. So, the imposter syndrome is the worst syndrome you can have because it's going to actually stunt any growth that you have because people are smart. They're going to figure you out in seconds.

Brian Webb:

Absolutely right. By the way, I want to tell the audience that you have your own podcast. It's actually, it's a video podcast and an audio podcast but talk about your Truth Talks Podcast for a minute.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

So, Truth Talks Podcast, one of the things that I always wanted to do is I ... We actually have an amazing story with Truth Talks. I have a buddy of mine. I call him producer Chad. And I've known him for a long time. And he probably would get all mad at me because he's sitting here and listening to it anyway. He's a freak, to be honest with you. This guy, like if you've seen his paintings, I have paintings of his in my house and it's freak level paintings.

Brian Webb:


Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

It is it's.

Brian Webb:

I got to see those from Chad. Wow. I did not know that.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Oh my God. Yeah, it's insane. And he has this ability to take everything ... I tell him he's, and I can say this without being offensive to anybody because I have a son who has Asperger's I'm always like, dude, you're an aspy man. You're like too good at too many things. And so I told him, I said, here's an idea I have and I want to start it with somebody who was equally as passionate as I was about doing something. And so I said, here's what we're going to do, man. I'm going to take all these stories that I've collected over the years, that are in the books and in everything else that is getting ready to be released. I have all these programs. I just shared my vision with him. And I say, can we do it? And he's like, "Yeah, we can do it." I mean, we think back, we sit there and laugh all the time.

If you've just seen how we started, it was with a green screen in my office where we used tacks to put up over a wall. And I'm like, "Can you make this thing look like we're in a bar somewhere." And he's like, "Hell yeah, we can do it." I said, "Oh, you know how to do it?" He goes, "No, I'll figure it out though." And then next thing I know, I look at this thing and I'm like, holy hell, I'm sitting in a bar right here. So, we run all these different types of stories. But even in our story of how Truth Talks became what it is today, we've run guests that, we've run famous guests. We love to run real life, real people's stories so that everybody can hear or experience the pathways of other people. And if you are going through something similar, we are going to give you a way out.

And that is an option we will say. And so that actually ended up becoming extremely, extremely successful for us, and the ability for us to be able to literally bring a story so that someone else can improve their life based on hearing it from someone else has been the most unbelievable thing that I can even tell you that I've done to date. It's heartwarming. It's inspiring to me. We had a guy come on the show and he was talking about, he rode the Tour de France and he rode this Tour de France because this guy, A, wanted to do it. He was an incredible cyclist. But he was running. He was trying to decide if he was going to get divorced. He was trying to decide where his life was going. He was having some issues that he had trouble kind of process some stuff with his father. And this guy comes on a podcast. And he was talking about, just start. You got to just start.

And he started that Tour de France and did the whole thing. And so we pass on the most motivational stories, but not necessarily stories from the greats, like a Tony Robbins type of guy. Although, we certainly want to get him on the show here. But it's real life, real people. And I think the stuff that you can sink your teeth into immediately and start making some incredible changes in your life.

Brian Webb:

One of the things that I think so many people fail to understand is I would argue everyone that God has given breath has a contribution to make this world. And I would even say, while not all of us see it this way. We have stewardship, meaning a responsibility to the contribution we make to this world. I've literally, I've seen people on social that one little boy, one young man, I should say, I'm going to guess he's probably, he's in his early 20s, down syndrome. And so many people might say, well, what can this person do? But literally, this young man just comes on and it centers around him interacting with his older brother. But I mean, I think literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of followers. There's another man, and you might know. I'm forgetting his name, no arms, no legs.

And I'm going to confess, you want to talk about vulnerability? I think if I had no arms and no legs, I'd say, count me out. I've got a really good excuse just to sit here and sulk and feel sorry for myself. This guy is one of the leading motivational speakers in this country. So, obviously, as you're pulling stories and talking to people in the podcast, maybe share one or two excerpts from something that you drew tremendous inspiration transformation, rather, from one or two of your favorite interviews. And I'm sure it's hard to limit it down to one or two, but what might one or two of those stories be?

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

As I always say, everyone is my favorite. Every podcast you get, whoop, that's my favorite. But let me parlay off what you just said. Let's talk about down syndrome. I have a story in a book, a story about Bob. And basically, Bob had a brother, and Bob was born to his mother and father. His father actually was a huge-time, big sports guy. And he always wanted a son to follow in his footsteps. And he was a coach and just wanted that. And their firstborn, obviously he had down syndrome and probably wasn't going to end up being that son. And so I'll make this long or short so that we can get to some other topics.

But the dad ended up passing away. The brother ends up having to take on his brother because he wasn't going to put him in a home. So Bob moves into the house with his brother and his wife, and they were having a lot of marital troubles and it was on the rocks. And then adding Bob to the family mix was even causing more stress until they got him into this little school-type thing. And over time, what had happened is Bob with his down syndrome, his greatest gift in the world was love. He knew how to love. All he did was love people. He would kiss them all day, every day. Tell him he loved them every day, all day. And they had a daughter at the time was two. And he would play with her all day and just love on her all day.

And what ended up happening was he comes home, the brother comes home one day, stressful day at work, terrible day at work. His brother meets him at the door, he's got a party hat on that says happy Wednesday birthday. And so he kind of looks at him and he's like, Bob, what is going on? And he says, we're having a Wednesday birthday party. And he was a little annoyed because he's like, I don't feel like partying today. But he goes inside the house and his wife is in there and she'd baked a cake for happy Wednesday birthday because Bob was adamant about it. And they put all the candles in there and they were going to have Bob and their daughter blow them out. And the wife put her hand on the husband's lower back and he looked at her. They hadn't touched in a long time. Dude, I get all choked up over here, let us do audio because I'm starting to get all choked up.

Brian Webb:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

And so they're getting ready to blow out the candles and she puts her hand on his lower back and she looks at him and she says, Bob has taught me how to love. And she goes, I want to make this work. And they ended up having this most amazing relationship. It was because Bob, with down syndrome, showed them how to love, true love. So when you said, man, everybody has a contribution. Every person has a contribution. I'll go off on another little story. So, we got a guy who, the guy's addicted to everything under the sun. I saw him as a patient and I said, "Man, would you come on and tell your story?" And he said, "Why would you want to hear my story?" It's the worst story ever.

Brian Webb:

Oh my gosh. Yeah.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

And I go, "It's not about you, man. It's about you showing other people how bad your life is. So, maybe you can save one person. I promise you it'll change your life." And those types of stories. I got to be honest, man. You can bring in the most famous person in the world and set them down next to me, even if we were talking to Bezos and he's in space now or whatever he's doing. But if you give me this guy, I want nine times out of 10 I only want to talk to him because I think it takes so much incredible strength and courage to come and tell a story like that. And I think it impacts way more millions of people than flying into outer space on a rocket ship that you build.

I mean, that's just my opinion. A lot of people may not agree. And then we run also stories of guys that ... One of the ones I always kind of think of, I ran one with a Navy Seal, Chad Williams. He was one of my favorites. And one of the things that really hit me about him, here's a Navy Seal, pretty bad dudes. The guy had, he had some personal problems and he had this connection with his dad where his dad was like, man, you got to change your ways. And he ends up taking Chad to this Jesus thing kind of by accident. Here's this ultimate warrior sitting in this evangelistic program that he went to one night and this guy got saved that night. And he heard a story about Neiman and it hit him in the right place at the right time. And so I love telling all these stories and doing all these interviews. Because I know for one thing, for certain, we're going to hit one person at one time in one moment, that's going to change their life. And that makes me feel good. Maybe it's self-serving, I don't know. But I love it.


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Brian Webb:

So, changing cautious a little bit. Thanks for sharing all that by the way. But changing course just a little bit, we've all heard it and again, in meme form, it's your network is your net worth. And in a more authentic way, who we spend our time with, who we choose to incorporate into our lives has a huge impact on our lives. In fact, I actually read this data, that's been a long time ago at one of the few hundred books I've read that said that pedigree, money, intelligence, formal education, none of those are what has the biggest impact on your success in life. It's the people you spend the most time with. Talk to us about that for a second. What do you think about that?

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Agree 100%, why is this man I know has an eighth-grade education it's called my father. I'm lucky enough to be able to call him a father. I've run into millions and millions and millions of memes and all these things. And memes are kind of funny because they're actually a little bit of reality put into one sentence. But I don't think that you can ever separate the human from the experience. And so when you're talking, how we parlay story into business, I do a lot of teaching and talking about how to be the most interesting person in the room. And how you do that. People think that you got to have a formal education. I mean, I rarely even use my education. I use compassion. I use understanding. Sometimes I actually become the bigger talker in the group because I see where a person may need to hear something I have to say, but equally, sometimes you need to be the listener.

You need to listen to what they have to say. So a lot of, I think there's so much emphasis put on things such as education, being able to know the celebrity. I mean, that's great for numbers if you're running a program like this or your program and so on and so forth. But you still can't separate the human. I mean, you and I had a four-hour conversation and we've talked about business for maybe like 10 minutes.

Brian Webb:


Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

And you know what, that's made me what I wanted the next four-hour conversation. It wasn't business. I'm just like, yeah, I'll do business with this guy. What's he do? I don't know. I just really like him. And I think it's going to work really well.

Brian Webb:

I want to do life with this guy.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

I want to do life with this guy. And I think, you can't separate anything in the human experience. I see people all the time. They're like, I want to go and learn everything about my business. Well, let me just tell you something. If your wife hates you or your husband hates you, you can go to Tony Robbins set in his house and you're not going to improve your life.

Brian Webb:

Oh yeah.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

You're going to go and you're going to get pumped up. And then you're going to go back to this reality, hey, listen to this crappy situation. And here you are right back in the same place. If you don't work on that relationship first or simultaneously, you're wasting your money. You're wasting your time. You have got to get your life wheel balanced. And I don't believe in, I know there's a lot of people that are going to take this the wrong way, but I don't really believe is that terribly hard.

Brian Webb:

We'll talk about that. One of the things that you and I recently chatted about, and I think you actually cited the first person who said it, or at least that we know has documented it. But if you think of your life like a wheel and we have the spokes in the wheel, we've got a spiritual part of our life. We've got relationships, health, money, career. But if any one of those parts of the tire goes flat or has a hole, I should say, the entire wheel is flat.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

A 100%. A 100%. And it's tough. And you know what? It doesn't have to be completely flat. The ride's going to suck a little bit. If it is completely flat, you're not going anywhere, right? That's why I love that analogy. I think that's one of the greatest analogies around honestly. But we run stories. I have an entire mission behind what it is that I'm doing. For instance, I ran a company called Hitch Fit on the podcast. I researched these people for six months and not only are they big believers and they're just incredible human beings, they want to make a difference. And let me tell you what getting in shape does. When you get in shape, the whole rest of your life gets in shape. You feel better about yourself. You dress differently, you smile, you're happier and you're more energetic.

You spend more time with your kids. You spend more time in your business. You're not tired. You're not run down. That's just from freaking getting in shape. You know what that is? Just eating different food and moving your butt when you can, this is not rocket science. We don't need Elon Musk to tell us how to do this. You must do it though. That's just one cog in that wheel. If you go into your business and you've hired people that don't make you happy, you're not interested to be around. Well, let me tell you, here we go again. Now it's one more flatter tire, or let's say low air on that side. It's tough. And it just makes it harder. And when you surround yourself with people that you enjoy, people that you love, people that support you. And also people that'll tell you things that you don't necessarily want to hear, but they must come from a really loving place for that.

And if you do just all of that stuff, which really isn't that terribly difficult if you make your mind up to do it, I will promise you your business will grow. I will promise ... Without even knowing any more about business, it will still grow. The relationship will grow. Even if you've never been to a marriage and family therapist, it will still grow. It's how life is. And so my theory is, is I want to show you that stuff. I want to show you through stories of other people, how to start just making some of those changes.

Brian Webb:

Life is too short to dot, dot, dot. There are so many things. And I think, and we're both in our early 50s and I've come to the conclusion that life is too short to have people in my life that bring an excessive amount of dysfunction or toxicity. And by the way, some people define toxicity as someone who lovingly confronts you about something. That's not the definition of toxicity, right? That's love, that's tough love. And even when it comes to business, who I work with, who I work for, clients even. If I don't think I'm going to look forward to going to meetings with and helping and spending time with and collaborating with, I just kind of find that the older I get, the more guarded I become. Are you the same?

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Yeah. I mean, without a doubt. I mean, it's the ultimate ideology of how you continue to grow over time. As we get older, we get wiser, right? We've usually been through the gauntlet. We're kind of like, hey, you know what? I've ridden that pony before. It wasn't a very good ride. I'm going to start changing something. But you do it much faster than you used to because you're always thinking in your early 20s and 30s and even 40s as you're doing business, you're thinking, okay, you know what? This person could come in handy, I'm going to just tolerate them. I'm going to deal with whatever it is I need to deal with so I can use their numbers or I can use their experience. I can use whatever. Then you realize as you get older, oh my God, I wasted so much time. I should have just went to the initial source of somebody that I really enjoyed and can collaborate with and go for ... I agree with that 100%.

Brian Webb:

Yeah. Yeah. It's not hard to have a friendship with me. It's an extremely, an extremely low barrier to entry. And here's all someone has to do. And by the way, I strive to be this in everyone's lives. My children, my clients, my friends, anyone that I spend time with, it's just be a plus or better yet be a multiplier. Don't be a minus. It just showing up and how can I serve? How can I encourage? How can I inspire? How can I just help? Or as you said, so eloquently earlier, how can I listen? Just showing up with the hope of adding value and again, when possible, multiplying the value in someone else's life, that's all it takes.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

It's true. And again, I look at things now through different perspectives. I mean, a lot of the coaching, a lot of the stuff that I do is all about change in a person's perspective. I say this all the time in there and people sometimes were like, well, I guess that's right. But if a person comes in and they've just got something that they're really struggled within her life. I'm always like, well, listen, it's not terminal cancer. So, guess what? You get a chance to redo this thing. And I like to bring in the shock value to make people change. But the thing I really love about your podcast, the Learn More, Earn More. I think sometimes if you look at that from a business perspective, business people would say, man, if I learn more about my business, I'm going to earn more. And I think that is quite a logical conclusion, right?

Brian Webb:


Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

But what if you learned everything about yourself. You learned what it is that you want to get out of life. I was having a meeting with a guy the other night and he's wanting to do some work with me in a certain way. And he was on a 30-minute dissertation and finally, I said, what do you want? Tell me what you want. And he said I want to work with you. And I said it's all I needed to hear.

Brian Webb:

There you go. Right.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

That's it.

Brian Webb:

We're almost out of time. One, tell the audience, where's the best place ... Obviously talk about your podcast, tell them where to find it. And so two things I'd like for you to close out with. One, what are you excited about? What's next in the Dr. Mitch journey? And then two, share with our audience, the best place to find you, find your content, connect with you online.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

So, truthtalks.com, that's our Truth Talks Podcast. And we love people to go in there and listen to them. Even if it's a podcast that you don't think you're going to be interested in, we want you to have a little bit of experiential knowledge, just listen to it anyway. And then you can get into the lives of other people. And here's what I promise you. You're going to be in a bar one day, you're going to be at a house party. You're going to be somewhere. And that topic is going to come up. And if you know a little bit about it, you're going to become interesting. And when you become interesting, you're going to increase your opportunity to do business, to have a relationship with someone you're going to increase your opportunities, because you have some experiential knowledge in the world.

And also from a perspective, it's not your opinion is just literally how someone went through something. So, truthtalks.com. You can get all of that stuff. What I'm super excited about Brian, and again, I'm going to self serve it to you here. I've been looking for people for a long time to make my dream, my vision, this big product of which you've gotten to see. It's a massive, massive undertaking.

Brian Webb:

It is. Yeah.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

You are going to help me bring to life all the programs and all of the book launches all of the lectures, all of this stuff that I am super, super duper excited for you to be a part of. And again, that came from a relationship. It came from obviously what you have been able to do in the past for a lot of people. And we really want to, I want to be ... Sometimes people use the word influencer. Influencers is not what I'm looking to do. [crosstalk 00:32:55]

Brian Webb:

Not for the sake of vanity, obviously, but for the sake of contribution you want to influence.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

I want to contribute some way the hours and years of dedication I've done to understand the human experience, to just enhance your life in one way or another. Like if a mom can hug her son that got off of drugs and I had something to do with that. That's a job well done in my eyes. And I want to end with this because I think it's something that a lot of people ask me all the time. And I think it's awesome when we talk about business and earning more and learning more and all of these things. People ask me all the time. What's my end game? Here is my end game. And I say it, and I believe with a hundred percent of heart, again, I can choke up when I talk about my dad and I can choke up when I talk about my kids and my end game.

Brian Webb:

Of course. Yeah.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

Here's my end game. My end game is I want to be sitting on the porch someday, an old man. I don't want to die early. I want to be an old man.

Brian Webb:

We're thinking like a 120, 130, right?

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

We're thinking like, yeah. Like 120, 130, somewhere in that vicinity. And I want to look at it and I want to see my kids and I want to see my grandkids. And what I want to do with that is I want to look out there and know that they get to do what they want to do, not what they have to do. And I have sacrificed my life. I have actually sacrificed some of my children's lives and some of my wife's life, but that's always been my end game. And God bless them. My wife and my children have seen dad go to work at 10 o'clock at night, come home at two in the morning. Not one night, not 10 nights, hundreds of times. And they support me. And they give me that ability to finish my end game. I started this 27, 28 years ago. My end game is that. And I don't care to have a rocket go to space. I don't need that.

Brian Webb:

I'm with you on that. Yeah.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

But I wanted to build generational wealth so that my family can look back and say, that was hard work. It was dedication. I want them to see that if you have a dream if you have a vision, you can absolutely do it. But let me tell you what, there's a lot of sacrifices in the middle. And I think that's the story of life. And I want to show that to my family. I want all of my friends that have trusted me and has come on this journey. I want them to have the same experience. I want them to be wealthy. I want them to be relaxed. That's my dream. And that's my mission. And I will keep doing it until the day I die. So, it's either going to happen or it isn't. But either way, the day I take my last breath, I will still be trying to accomplish that.

Brian Webb:

It's not going to be for lack of effort.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

A 100%. And that's why, again, when I think we talk about all this stuff, I appreciate you for coming into my life. I sought you out. I did my research on you. And it was just one of those things where personalities clicked, dreams and passions clicked. And I didn't spend much time thinking about it. I'm like, all right, let's go, let's move this thing. I think people overthink a whole lot of business and a whole lot of life. Sometimes you just got to keep moving forward.

Brian Webb:

I truly, truly believe that my contribution to this world, while I'm alive, is my calling. And then my, or our contribution to this world once we're gone becomes our legacy. And I'd know the audience loves you. I'm not going to even wonder if that's the case, but I am going to tell the audience it's a good thing that you do love Dr. Mitch because he's going to be bad from time to time. So, definitely expect to be hearing from him more and more in the future. Thanks for being here today, Dr. Mitch, it was a pleasure having you, man. I know we'll have you back here very soon.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

I love it. You know me, I'm good to talk anytime. I show my vulnerability because I believe that's where again, you get the answers and you get them quickly. Just do what it is you're going to do. Say what it is you need to say. But most of all, if you feel like you want to grow, you feel like you need something, just ask for help and people will give it to you. People generally want to see you succeed and do better. I think that's the biggest thing I can actually say in this podcast.

Brian Webb:

Man, thanks for being here today.

Dr. Mitchell Harlan:

I love you, man. I tell you what there's a million things we could have went down. I want to come back. Obviously, I'm going to have you on the show as well on my show. It's going to have nothing to do with business. I got to get into why you're crazy and while you're fun. And I know you have an incredibly personal story yourself, and I want to share that. This is what we do. We all just keep sharing, just keep sharing and motivating people and good things are going to happen.

Brian Webb:

Thanks for joining me today and listening to this episode of the Learn More, Earn More Business Growth Podcast. We can be found on all the major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Google play, Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, and even Amazon Music. I genuinely hope you enjoy today's episode. And if you did, I'd be honored if you subscribe to the show and leave us a rating and an honest review. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram. You can find me at @brianwebb. And the show's sponsor What Box Digital can be found at, as you might guess at What Box Digital.

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