Pascal Finette, VP Startup Solutions and Entrepreneurship Chair at Singularity University, talks about Exponential Thinking and Singularity University in this episode.

Pascal was previously Director of Open Innovation Group and Mozilla Labs at Mozilla Corporation. He was also Portfolio Manager at

Some of the areas that Pascal touches upon in this episode include:
1. What is Singularity University
2. Types of programs offered at Singularity University including those for startups and a 10 weeks program (which is sponsored so free for candidates)
3. Examples of people you may find at Singularity University
4. Linear vs Exponential thinking
5. Resources to expose yourself to exponential thinking
6. Pascal's journey - how he realized early on that he is good at starting things and stuck with that
7. How going above and beyond in every job has helped him be successful and surround himself with great people.
8. Pay it forward and help people
9. Life happens in 2-3 year episodes. Your career will last for 40 years. If a few episodes don't work out, it's fine!

Thank you for listening!!

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