Andri Silberschmidt (@andrisilbi ( is a 25 years old rising star here in Switzerland. He is a food entrepreneur, equity investor, and politician. At the age of fifteen, he began his banking education and is now responsible at Swisscanto Invest for the management of all quantitative equity funds investing in developing countries. In the summer of 2017, Andri and some of his friends founded kaisin. , a Poké Bowl restaurant and catering chain.
He has been politically active since 2011 and became president of the "Jungfreisinnige Partei" of Switzerland in 2016. Recently he was elected to the Parliament of the City of Zurich for the FDP and is now on the list of the FDP Canton of Zurich for the National Council elections in October 2019.
Please follow me on Instagram (, Twitter (, and my Website (, where I post new episodes, share cool stuff & interesting articles I found, and blog occasionally!
Show notes:
02:14 -- Who is Andri Silberschmidt
03:14 -- How Andri started his career and got into entrepreneurship by starting a Poké Bowl restaurant
05:40 -- Opening a restaurant business without outside capital
06:53 -- How Andri started kaisin. & pitched his idea
10:10 -- Andri’s note taking app
10:34 -- Recommended resources & books for starting a business
11:44 -- Expansion plans of kaisin.
13:26 -- How kaisin. launched and promoted their store with little resources
16:04 -- How Andri balances his time and energy between all the different commitments. Why sleep is so important.
20:12 -- Andri’s involvement with “TeamStartup” to foster entrepreneurship in Switzerland
23:23 -- Challenges of entrepreneurship in Switzerland
28:02 -- Andri’s learnings from his startup experience
31:54 -- Book recommendations
35:11 -- Andri’s best investment
37:29 -- Andri’s “hobby”
39:03 -- Andri’s personal advisory board
41:37 -- Andri’s message to the world - "Respect, Create, Enjoy"
44:24 -- What does courage mean to Andri?
Resources mentioned:
* Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen (
* Andri’s high productivity habits: 1. Getting enough sleep (7.5h), 2. No alcohol during the week, 3. Working out regularly
* Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams - Walker PhD, Matthew (
* Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life - Nassim Nicholas Taleb (
* TeamStartup (
* Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead - Sheryl Sandberg (
* The Constitution of Liberty - F. A. Hayek (
* Kaisin. (
* FDP (
* Grünliberale (
If you're enjoying the podcast, the best way to support the show is by leaving a review on Apple Podcast ( or in your favorite podcast app.
Special Guest: Andri Silberschmidt.

Andri Silberschmidt (@andrisilbi) is a 25 years old rising star here in Switzerland. He is a food entrepreneur, equity investor, and politician. At the age of fifteen, he began his banking education and is now responsible at Swisscanto Invest for the management of all quantitative equity funds investing in developing countries. In the summer of 2017, Andri and some of his friends founded kaisin. , a Poké Bowl restaurant and catering chain.

He has been politically active since 2011 and became president of the "Jungfreisinnige Partei" of Switzerland in 2016. Recently he was elected to the Parliament of the City of Zurich for the FDP and is now on the list of the FDP Canton of Zurich for the National Council elections in October 2019.

Please follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and my Website, where I post new episodes, share cool stuff & interesting articles I found, and blog occasionally!

Show notes:

02:14 -- Who is Andri Silberschmidt

03:14 -- How Andri started his career and got into entrepreneurship by starting a Poké Bowl restaurant

05:40 -- Opening a restaurant business without outside capital

06:53 -- How Andri started kaisin. & pitched his idea

10:10 -- Andri’s note taking app

10:34 -- Recommended resources & books for starting a business

11:44 -- Expansion plans of kaisin.

13:26 -- How kaisin. launched and promoted their store with little resources

16:04 -- How Andri balances his time and energy between all the different commitments. Why sleep is so important.

20:12 -- Andri’s involvement with “TeamStartup” to foster entrepreneurship in Switzerland

23:23 -- Challenges of entrepreneurship in Switzerland

28:02 -- Andri’s learnings from his startup experience

31:54 -- Book recommendations

35:11 -- Andri’s best investment

37:29 -- Andri’s “hobby”

39:03 -- Andri’s personal advisory board

41:37 -- Andri’s message to the world - "Respect, Create, Enjoy"

44:24 -- What does courage mean to Andri?

Resources mentioned:

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen
Andri’s high productivity habits: 1. Getting enough sleep (7.5h), 2. No alcohol during the week, 3. Working out regularly
Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams - Walker PhD, Matthew
Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead - Sheryl Sandberg
The Constitution of Liberty - F. A. Hayek

If you're enjoying the podcast, the best way to support the show is by leaving a review on Apple Podcast or in your favorite podcast app.

Special Guest: Andri Silberschmidt.

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