In this episode of Lean the F*ck Out, Gretchen and Tera talk with Elaine Huang, the founder of Neon Owl, a media company and lifestyle brand that focuses on creating positive, inspirational content, while connecting artists and fans to give back to charities around the world. Elaine shares her entrepreneurial journey and how she has built and grown Neon Owl, as well as her coaching and consulting business and Gypsy Social. Elaine is a power house at connecting with people and has some amazing advice on how to kick ass and build your brand, and for those that are just starting out she shares some bonus info on how to choose your direction or passion project.

Passion to Profit Episode Highlights

Elaine left a six-figure income position to launch Neon Owl.  When deciding on a business focus, ask yourself: What would you do if money wasn’t an issue? “By leading with people and purpose we will all prosper.” At one point Elaine was spending all her energy on building her businesses, often working up to 100 hour a weeks. Neon Owl has volunteers and ambassadors all over the world that now support the business. Some of Elaine’s favorite tools for running her businesses: Google, Slack, Airtable, Wunderlist, Calm App, and paper and pencil. Each morning, write your intentions for the day. Without intentions you cannot receive clear results. As Elaine’s businesses grew she naturally shifted her business to work with others like her: others who wanted to leave corporate and do their own thing. It took Elaine three years to figure out her business model. She did it through adaptation and listening to her customers. “You have to be prepared to get scrappy [if you are going to run your own business].” “Truly think about what you want when you decide to start your own business. Is this something you would create and stay up late nights for, even if you make jack shit?” Continue to surround yourself with other dreamers and doers and keep investing in yourself if you want to turn your passion to profit.

Elaine Huang

Elaine is the founder of Neon Owl, a media company and lifestyle brand that focuses on creating positive, inspirational content, while connecting artists and fans to give back to charities around the world. She left her six-figure income position as VP to create a life of passion and purpose. Since starting Neon Owl 2 years ago, the company has made waves in and outside of the industry, taking charge in leading it towards connecting music with philanthropy. Neon Owl has put together multiple charity shows to support youth, music and the arts, as well as other non-profits. She has also partnered up with some of her favorite artists to join forces in creating the Dance. Give. Inspire. charity line, where 100% of the proceeds goes back to building wells for clean water in developing countries like Haiti and Uganda. Elaine also founded Gypsy Social, where she specializes in vision coaching, tribe building, and supporting others in weaving their passion projects.

Follow Elaine online at:

IG, Twitter, FB @neonowlco

IG, Twitter, FB @itselainesworld