In this episode, we talk with Sara Bay, co-founder of Blissful Prospecting about how she got started networking and selling services to help solopreneurs and small businesses prospect to increase their sales. Sara shared some really practical advice with us, including bonus tips on how to optimize LinkedIn to grow your network and make real connections. Sara is a true lead generation bad ass and know that fempreneurs will get alot from the interview. So grab your notepad!

Lead Generation and Prospecting (Plus Bonus Tips for Mastering LinkedIn) Episode Highlights

Processing is similar to a dating process, you need to set up your profile for your ideal match. Don’t prospect to make a sale, prospect to start a conversation. Personalize your ask and don’t be afraid to add a bit of humor. You always need a human touch in the ask and conversion process. Typical prospecting flows should include 8 to 9 emails or messages to prospects. Often you will not even get a response from the prospect until email 6 or 7. Most important is to identify ideal client. The more laser focused you are on your ideal client, the better the results will be. Look at current and past clients that you’ve loved working with in order to understand who your ideal client is. Many businesses are not doing any prospecting at all. “Don’t neglect your outbound strategy and only focus on inbound.” LinkedIn Tips: Join LinkedIn Groups -- Something you have in common. Post original content on LinkedIn that is incredibly value to prospects. Don’t sell through your posts, it can come off as too aggressive. Think about the challenges your prospects have and target your content towards those. Tailor LinkedIn profile to your prospects. Write directly to them as if you were speaking to them. Most LinkedIn inbound comes through articles written in LinkedIn directly. Find more tips in the podcast. There are too many good ones to share here.

Sara Bay

Sara grew up in New York, where she quickly became accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle. She's a networking machine and has experience working for and with Fortune 100 companies.

At Blissful Prospecting, she's in charge of campaign strategy, execution, and scaling the company.

In her free time, Sara enjoys stand up comedy and backpacking.

Follow Sara online at:


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