On this week’s episode we have Josh Steimle, entrepreneur, author and speaker, as our guest.

Josh has written over 300 articles for the likes of Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine, he’s been a TedX speaker, and he’s the author of the book Chief Marketing Officers at Work, where Josh interviewed 30 leading CMOs from companies like PayPal, Target, Zendesk, GE and Nestle.

Josh is also the founder of MWI – a marketing agency he founded back in 1999, as well as a research assistant at Harvard Business School and the founder and CEO of 7 Systems.  

In today’s episode, we discover:

Josh’s book - Chief Marketing Officers at Work; The changing remit of CMOs and the makeup of a modern, influential, marketing leader; How CMOs can build influence and leverage it to make good things happen; and  Josh’s 7 Systems of Influence and how you can apply them to increase your ability to influence others at work.

There’s a lot covered in this episode as always, so don’t forget to grab the notes so you can take action on what you hear today. Just head to growthgenerators.io, look out for this episode with Josh Steimle – and download the notes. Enjoy the episode!


Brendan Kane - Hook Point: How To Stand Out in a 3-Second World. Derral Eves - The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue. Jay Baer - Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype. Josh Steimle - Chief Marketing Officers at Work. Josh Steimle - Published Author by 7 Systems. Josh Steimle - The 7 Systems of Influence. Stephen M R. Covey - Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything. Stephen R. Covey - The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.

Contact Josh Steimle

Find Josh on LinkedIn and mention you heard him on the podcast, or visit his website.

Contact Growth Generators

Find out how Ty and Growth Generators can help you design and build a modern marketing team that drives growth using our 3-stage framework for marketing team transformation. Follow or connect with Ty on LinkedIn.

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This episode was hosted by Ty Hayes, produced by Dylan Todd and edited by Lewis Hallam.