Jim Ewel, Author of The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing, Founder and current president of AgileMarketing.net and former Microsoft Marketing Vice President joins us for this episode.

Jim has been involved as CEO or CMO of numerous startups and he’s one of the earliest and most passionate advocates for Agile Marketing, co-organising the first meeting of Agile Marketers and is one of the authors of the Agile Marketing Manifesto. Jim has guided over 60 organisations through the process of adopting Agile in marketing.

In this episode, we cover:

The full gambit of Agile Marketing - what it is, what it isn’t, why it matters, and how you can get started; You’ll also learn what you can do as a marketing leader to clear the path and enable the transition to Agile Marketing; We also dig into Jim’s new book, The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing: Proven Practices for More Effective Marketing and Better Business Results, which is a great handbook to get you started; This episode is jam-packed with insights into how Agile Marketing can increase the performance of your team by breaking down silos and increasing staff empowerment; and You’ll also discover how it helps create a test and learn culture in the team, sharpens the team’s focus on improving the customer experience, and enables them to drive bigger business results.

If you have any interest in transforming the way that your team works, in order to do their best work then this is a must listen episode.


Jim Ewel - The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing: Proven Practices for More Effective Marketing and Better Business Results. Al Ries and Jack Trout -  22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. Daniel H. Pink - Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Eric Ries - The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Business. Jeff Bezos’ two-pizza rule. Patrick Lencioni - Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Robert Rose and Carla Johnson - Experiences: The 7th Era of Marketing. Scott Brinker - Chief Marketing Technologist. Steven Gary Blank - The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company.

Contact Jim Ewel

Visit Agile Marketing to find out more about Jim, his consulting, training and to grab a copy of his new book.

Contact Growth Generators

Find out how Ty and Growth Generators can help you design and build a modern, marketing team that drives growth through our 3-stage framework for marketing team transformation. Find out about our Agile Marketing Services  Email [email protected] or connect with Ty on LinkedIn.

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This episode was hosted by Ty Hayes, produced by Dylan Todd and edited by Lewis Hallam.