In this episode you will learn how Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey has reinvented herself every few years since college.  She shares the education and career paths that have led her to the work she is doing now.  She is an artist, a social worker, a vision board workshop host and all-around amazing human being.  She shares the importance of getting quiet and spending time with yourself.  You have the answers within you, you know yourself best.  If you ever find yourself asking “Now what?”, then this episode is a must listen.


Set a date and go for it. If there is something you’ve done by yourself that has helped you, you can do it as a workshop for the public. When something sparks your interest, it’s doing that for a reason, tune in. Getting quiet and visualizing where you see your life is a powerful exercise. Survey your audience and listen to their feedback, feedback is your best coach.


Book Recommendations:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Think and Grow Rich Napolean Hill
Outwinning the Devil by Napolean Hill
Crucial Conversations by Al Switzler
Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Podcasts Recommendations:

Don’t Keep Your Day Job by Cathy Heller
Goal Digger by Jenna Kutcher
Mind Your Business by James Wedmore
Maria Forleo Podcast…by well by Maria Forleo

Follow me on IG: @leanintocuriosity

Topic suggestions, questions or to be on the show, click here!


Instagram: @ccr_sunshine

Facebook: Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey