Today Leafy host Jennifer talks to Kate Frank, book coach and ghostwriter who is committed to helping nonfiction authors make a profit. Kate believes that abundance comes from a personal branded platform, enhanced visibility of your experiences and the doors of opportunity opening wide to you in ways a non-author could never experience. Kate has a unique ability to adapt to the “voice” of her client authors, no matter their area of expertise.  Kate tells us that when writing, you need to think as though you are writing for an audience of one.  Clearly define your target reader by asking yourself “What ages are they, what their gender is, and what their line of work is”. Then you create your ‘avatar’ or ‘persona’ and that person sits with you and you are talking to that avatar every time you write.  Kate goes on to tell us that when you are marketing, place all of your audience in categories A through D and then delete your “D” list, because they are the least appreciative and will destroy your relationship with your “A” and “B” audience. Listen to the full episode to hear more great advise from Kate.

To learn more about Kate Frank, visit  Email Kate and ask for her newest ebook, helping you become a profitable author [email protected]