Jamie from the west coast re-joins the show after a year long absence and he's full of it! Knowledge that is! We talk about the anomalies in the NHL so far this season, fat Philly fans, 1000 point Europeans, and the Leafs games of the week. We talk about Komisareks atrocious (Jamie's word of the show) giveaway and the varying opinions on that from Burke and Kypreos. We also play a clip from Don Cherry on the way management handled Kadri, boy was he pissed! Will Brad Richards be a Leaf next year? Jamie says no, but how great would it be if he was? Then we have the showdown. Leafs Central... at Lunch! vs. Sens Underground. The boys return to talk how the Sens are doing and we all end up making fun of our own teams more than each others. As always we wrap up with Wayne's Word and Chris turns into an icicle in the garage.

From the frozen cavemen at Leafs Central... at Lunch!