This week we review the Leafs rather mediocre 1-1-1 record. Scoring seemed to be a problem again until they faced the Ducks on Thursday night. We discuss Nabokov's signing with the Red Wings and again marvel at how Kenny Holland manages to get great players at bargain basement prices while the Leafs ownership continually overpays (Kessel, Komisarek, just to name a couple). Will some other club pick him up? We also discuss Lombardi's freak out with the call from the War room on the high stick and the return of Forsberg...again? Then Chris bitches about the 500 million dollar company that runs a rinky-dink T.V station. Finally we sum up the good and bad of the first half of the season for the Leafs and we get Wayne on for a Wayne's Word.

From the Waiver Wire`s at Leafs Central... at Lunch!