The Leafs lose a 3 nothing lead to the Canucks on Saturday and then they lose Stajan, Hagman, White, Mayers, Toskala, and Blake to the trading block guillotine. That's right, Brian Burke went ballistic and sold the farm. Depending on how you look at it and whether you think these trades are for the better. In return the new boys in blue are Keith Aulie, Fredrik Sjostrom and J.S Giguere. Oh, and also Dion Phaneuf! This week the guys discuss these monumental trades, good or bad. They also talk about how Burke will manage the cap next year with very few forwards on contract and over 26 million devoted to defence. As always we wrap up with a rousing rendition of Wayne's Word!

Don't be disturbed by Wayne's maniacal demented laughter...

From the Trade Mad G.M's at Leafs Central... at Lunch!