Ready to step up to the C-Suite. Wondering why you aren’t already there?

Are you frustrated that no one is noticing you? Or are you ready to get ahead and wondering how on earth to get there. Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the time to give to a C-level executive role.

Today I’m going to share with you the lessons I’ve learnt on my journey to the C-Suite, and from my clients who are on their way or already there. These are the top 5 barriers, that everyone of us faces, but few figure out. And hint: it isn’t about working more hours!

This might just be a little triggering as we unpick the reality of what it means to be in the C-Suite, what those already there are looking for, or indeed what is holding you back as an entrepreneur.

Sound good? Let's go to the show!

Useful links!

Want to work with Lauren on your graphics and marketing? Check out

Ready to ask for what you want, but want to know how? Listen to Episode 4:

If you are ready to uplevel your career, and get a boost (and a salary bump) by shortcutting your way to success, find out more about Toni’s Coaching at:

Alternatively, go straight ahead and book a free Discovery Call, to find out more and discuss the type of support you would most benefit from:

Catch the show notes, and more details about today's episode here:

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