Does communication work in your team or your organization?

Do you have have a clear communication plan, send copious emails, and yet when you implement practices and policies, despite all the communication you sent, you get a lot of angry responses?

Do you announce a new activity in your team to the wider company and then get asked ‘why didn’t you tell me sooner’? Or did you tell everyone sooner, but they didn’t listen?

Communication is the number one tool in your toolkit as a leader, whatever stage of your career you are at. But communicating well so you get more helpful responses, and less annoyance is a skill that needs to be nurtured.

Great communication makes your life easier. It makes being a change agent that bit simpler. It lends you credibility, it removes the roadblocks. It stops those angry messages where someone says ‘why didn’t I know this’, even though you told them 10 times.

If you are ready to use your communication to make your life easier, spend less time justifying why you did something and more time doing what you know you are meant to be doing, then let’s chat communication strategies that work.

If you want to find out more about leading by listening, and how to be an active listener, check out the Leading Women in Tech blog post:

Wondering what Toni was talking about when discussing how to use meetings to generate ideas? Head over to Episode One to find out how to use this information to help you, your career and improve outcomes for your organization.

Ready to get your hands on the 5-part audio training on the repeatable steps you can take to up-level your career? Just send me a screengrab of your review of the podcast. Head to the Leading Women in Tech page on iTunes, write your review, but before you hit ‘submit’, make sure you take a screengrab and send it to support{at}tonicollis{dot}com and you’ll get access to the audio training!

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